Power of Positive Thinking

How to create a more positive mindset

~ James Molden

I want you to imagine the scenario...

You’re standing at the whiteboard at your regular class time. You’ve been looking forward to the class and workout all day. Your Coach is briefing the workout, which contains snatch, wall balls, and air bike. Then a friend turns to you and says, “this is going to be horrible, I hate wall balls, snatches suck, and the air bike is just disgusting”.

Immediately, all of the wind gets taken out of your sails and what was supposed to be the best hour of your day just turned into a dreadful experience before it even started! Whether they meant to or not, all your friend was doing was projecting some of their negative self talk to you.

This is a prime example of why what we say and think matters.

How we perceive challenges and express our feelings towards them is entirely up to us. This is not only important for ourselves but also for those people around us. We all have that friend that seems to never have a bad day. This isn’t because their life is full of rainbows and unicorns, rather it’s because they choose how they deal with the challenges they are given, and they choose a positive approach. These types of people are magnetic and this outlook is contagious to those around them. We all can be these people, the change that can occur is within our grasp and can be as simple as applying the following ideas not only to the gym, but to our work, home lives, and anything else.

Look at each challenge as an opportunity to grow.

We adapt to challenges and struggles and we become stronger for it, physically and mentally. Challenges are good and should be gladly accepted!

Replace negative words with encouraging and positive words.

Rather than getting down on yourself and saying or thinking something like, “I’ve never done a pull up,” instead try something as simple as, “I haven’t got my pull up, YET.” Add in just a snippet of positivity in each thought.

Share your new positive perspective with those around you.

This is where the magic happens....it sounds silly, but the more you express your positivity, the more positive you become. You are now that contagiously positive person!

Now imagine that same scenario and flip the negativity to something positive. “Wall balls have always been a challenge but today I am going to overcome them. I will scale appropriately on the snatch, and if I keep consistent I will see progress. I will meet the air bike head on.”

Keep Positive, Stay Strong.


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