Start your journey today!

Unlimited Access

UA || Monthly : £111 per month

No commitment, train month to month.
14 Days notice for cancellation.
Simple, effective, efficient. Let’s go.

(Works out at £3.50 a day!)

UA || 3 Month : £103 per month

3 month commitment term.
Renew or cancel in final month.
Incredible value for an unrivalled experience.

(Works out at £3.20 a day!)

UA || 6 Month : £86 per month

6 month commitment term.
Renew or cancel in final month.
Commitment is the foundation to success!

(Works out at £2.60 a day!)

Unlimited Access +
Personal Coaching

UA + Nexus Online Coaching (NOC)
£179 per month

UA + NOC + 1x PT per week
£190 per month

UA + NOC + 2x PT per week
£280 per month

UA + NOC + 3x PT per week
£330 per month

Access to all classes, programming, and everything our UA memberships has to offer PLUS dedicated personal 1:1 support from one of our Coaches.

We understand fitness and health is unique to the individual. So we avoid a one size fits all blanket approach because everyone’s needs, goals, and journey will be different. To achieve that, personal coaching is the best approach. Whether it’s specific goals, accountability or guidance, we will support you all the way. Get in touch for a no obligation chat.